Tourism & Hospitality

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Tourism & Hospitality

Tourism Investment Strategy 26/01/2025 30/01/2025 Beirut
Maximizing Tourism Productivity & Return 26/01/2025 30/01/2025 Kuala lampur
The art of tourism advertising and publicity 02/02/2025 06/02/2025 Amsterdam
Modern strategies to ensure sustainable development of tourism resources 09/02/2025 13/02/2025 Barcelona
Contemporary strategies in tourism media 16/02/2025 20/02/2025 Doha
Tourist Guidance - Fundamentals and Skills 23/02/2025 27/02/2025 Jakarta
Modern methods of coordination with relevant institutions in tourism activities 02/03/2025 06/03/2025 London
Excellence in providing tourism services 09/03/2025 13/03/2025 New York
Hotel Services Marketing 16/03/2025 20/03/2025 Kuala lampur
Human Resource Management in Tourism 16/03/2025 20/03/2025 Beirut
Tourism Projects: Projects Management & Performance Evaluation 20/04/2025 24/04/2025 Amman
Supervision & Control of Tourism Services 04/05/2025 08/05/2025 Istanbul
Modern trends in tourism and hotel marketing 01/06/2025 05/06/2025 Amman
Modern strategies to ensure sustainable development of tourism resources 08/06/2025 12/06/2025 Cyprus
Contemporary strategies in tourism media 15/06/2025 19/06/2025 Dubai
Tourist Guidance - Fundamentals and Skills 22/06/2025 26/06/2025 Kasablanka
Modern methods of coordination with relevant institutions in tourism activities 29/06/2025 03/07/2025 Madrid
Excellence in providing tourism services 06/07/2025 10/07/2025 Online
Public Relations & Media in Tourism 13/07/2025 17/07/2025 Amman
Strategic Planning for Investing & Developing Tourism Sites  13/07/2025 17/07/2025 Cairo
The Art of Reception and Hospitality 20/07/2025 24/07/2025 Amman
Tourism Events & Festivals Management 20/07/2025 24/07/2025 Amman
The art of tourism advertising and publicity 03/08/2025 07/08/2025 Athens
Tourism Marketing  31/08/2025 04/09/2025 Dubai
Tourism Investment Strategy 31/08/2025 04/09/2025 Amman
Hotel Services Marketing 07/09/2025 11/09/2025 Dubai
Supervision and control of service performance 28/09/2025 02/10/2025 London
Modern methods of coordination with relevant institutions in tourism activities 05/10/2025 09/10/2025 Manama
Excellence in providing tourism services 12/10/2025 16/10/2025 Ottawa
Human Resource Management in Tourism 26/10/2025 30/10/2025 Amman
Tourism Projects: Projects Management & Performance Evaluation 26/10/2025 30/10/2025 Beirut
Maximizing Tourism Productivity & Return 26/10/2025 30/10/2025 Beirut
Supervision & Control of Tourism Services 02/11/2025 06/11/2025 Beirut
TQM in Tourism 02/11/2025 06/11/2025 Beirut
Management and evaluation of tourism projects and investments 09/11/2025 13/11/2025 Amman
Activating the role of local communities and integrating them into the tourism development process 16/11/2025 20/11/2025 Cairo
Modern trends in tourism and hotel marketing 07/12/2025 11/12/2025 Cairo
Modern strategies to ensure sustainable development of tourism resources 14/12/2025 18/12/2025 Dammam
Contemporary strategies in tourism media 21/12/2025 25/12/2025 Istanbul
Tourist Guidance - Fundamentals and Skills 28/12/2025 01/01/2026 Kasablanka


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